A very Happy New Year folks. I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas break, got some well-deserved rest, and are now ready to tackle what 2018 will unleash. I had a refreshing break and was lucky to experience a change of scenery. My sharks and I took off for a full seven days. We were like phones that had been drained by maneno mob throughout 2017. Now the ka-red light was blinking viciously in search of power. The screen was reading ‘’ critically low on charge. Plug to power’’.

This holiday was that power.  It was more than a power bank. It was the socket that we plugged in direct for power. By the time we left, I was reading 94% charged. Of course, I can’t say 100% charged lest someone here decides to sponsor me for a holiday. My dreams are still valid hehe.. I’d be so back there on that sunbed under the palm tree. My youngest baby shark is still struggling up to now with holiday lag and cries randomly because she wants to go back. Her siblings too are asking if we can go back forever. How I wish that was possible; Daddy needs to win sportpesa, pambazuka and betway jackpots all at once to make that possible.

I don’t do New Year resolutions because I have an internal resistance for too much structure and order. We shall remember last year for various reasons and for a long time. Many of us breathed a sigh of relief when the clock struck midnight on December 31st. I can sense the pressure 2018 must now be feeling because many have moved their hopes, dreams and desires that went unachieved last year into this year.

When I was on holiday doing nothing but eating, sleeping and reading a really good book my uncle, Lewis, bought me, I did a lot of thinking and going over the year that was, in my mind. New and good things were born in 2017 despite the maisha ngumu. I now find myself very uneasy about what I began in 2017 and wondering how that will manifest in 2018. I was and still am anxious because I feel a strong vibe that this year will be a roller coaster of achievements. Have you ever felt scared of good things that are likely to happen to you? That’s how I feel right now. Last year’s challenges, some of which I shared here, ejected me out of my comfort zone. I began to see abit more clearly what the future looks like. It’s like I was being introduced to a new Lucas with skills and talents that I would never have noticed if life was still on autopilot.

My mind-set has been totally replaced by a brand new one that tells me what I’m capable of achieving this year. I discovered potential to do things last year (like this writing) and speaking, that I intend to move to a higher level now. It is indeed good to grow through a tough time in our lives because we are forced to look within. When we do that consistently, our inner ears and eyes open and what we see and hear is likely to shock us. Truly, necessity is the mother of invention. For me the necessity has been both the need to provide for my family financially during this transition, and experiment with what life has in store for this man at 40. What will be invented after that, I wait with anxious excitement for it to unfold this year.

One of the small adjustments I want to make this year is reverse the negative default setting that I slipped into last year due to the challenges I encountered. I’ve always been a positive guy who eats life with a big spoon. I disappointed myself most of 2017 and that has to change. I intend to stop saying things are thick and instead add that things are thick with potential this year. Good potential that will manifest into great outcomes.

Folks, that positive vibe you may be feeling now is the potential within you. Befriend it, embrace it, take it for a swallow and cultivate habits that bring it out. Soon you’ll start seeing things you want becoming reality pole pole. For me, I have registered to take a course that I believe will help my speaking future. I am also applying to join an organization that will equip me to help biasharas scale from a board level. These specific steps are part of that potential I’m feeling.

Oh and guys, remember potential is like a vegetable with a short shelf life. If you don’t activate it soon, it starts decaying and remains a withered and sometimes smelly reminder of what would have been. Although that may be contradicting kidogo as my prymo teachers always said I have potential in my end term report cards. I’m yet to establish if that particular potential was realised many years later.

My New Year wish for you all is to unwrap your potential like those Christmas gifts and engage. It is that move you feel you have to make this year. It could be a new job, business, relationship, a course or anything else that is part of your destiny. I pray that this time next year we shall look back and say that indeed, we lived the vibe fully.

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6 thoughts on “Potential.”

  1. Angie Ireri says:

    Lucas what a great way to start the year. I hope your positive vibes are contagious!!!

  2. Jainie says:

    A great blog as always. Positive vibes abound. Things are thick with potential…… bring it on 2018 😁

  3. Lilian says:

    What a post!!!I love it. Unwrap your potential, activate lest it decays! Aish! Thanks Lucas for this reminder. 2018 here we come. Mob love to you in 2018 as you unleash…

  4. Dr.B says:

    I like that potential maneno…makes tomorrow look full of possibilities and nice things …

  5. Annie says:

    What an encouraging piece Lucas! Positivity all the way!

  6. Frank says:

    Fantastic article Lucas and happy you enjoyed the book

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