Today I’m as happy as my youngest baby shark when she’s sucking at the Aquafresh toothpaste tube. I think it’s the sweetest thing she has tasted in her entire life of sixteen months. She actually cries for it whenever any of us is brushing our teeth. It’s her favourite pacifier. Well, I don’t blame her. Most things are sweeter than mashed butternut. This blog turns one year old tomorrow. Which happens to be my birthday. Starting this blog was one of my best decisions at 40. It set in motion a series of events that are still unfolding as I move into my second half.
In addition to sharpening my writing and observation skills, it has served as an outlet for my many random thoughts and helped reduce the fog in this transition. Another huge benefit has been the platform that the blog has become. It has acted as a mirror or sounding board for many who have read my articles. I don’t feel lonely and strange anymore; many of us are going through this metamorphosis. As the saying goes, ‘You go further when you go with others’. This is testament to that.
My mentor once asked me what my future plan for the blog was and I had no answer, because I did not know. All I knew was that I needed to have an article out that Friday, and the one after that, and the week after. Good writing makes one vulnerable, and that was uncomfortable for me initially. It meant opening up my inner world, which sometimes contradicted what I appear to be. Thank God for the freedom and self-acceptance that forty brings. I’m becoming comfortable in not knowing, waiting, and asking for directions, which doesn’t come naturally for men especially.
I’m impressed with myself, that I can post an article every Friday for a whole year. Today I just want to revel in the joy of starting with what was in my hand, (read confusion), and using writing as a flashlight to guide me, (and now a few others), across the bridge from first half to second half. Saint Francis of Assisi said, “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you’re doing the impossible.” One year on, I believe I’ve almost covered the first two steps of that quote. I now look forward with anticipation for the impossible. In fact, I can smell it just like how we smell the rain after a hot, humid Nairobi afternoon. I can now testify that a simple action is worth more than a hundred intentions. It has not been easy, as there were times when I was completely blank, yet I had to keep my Friday commitment. I have stretched myself in a whole new field, and it has opened up a whole new world. My brain has been to the gym this past year for sure and now has a six pack.
So this week I just want to celebrate this milestone with you all my readers. I thank you for commenting on my weekly posts. Even for those of you who just press the like button on Facebook, asanteni sana. For the majority of you who read and say nothing, I thank you too because I know at least you are reading. I have met some of you who have said you do or some who have texted me asking for the article when it delayed in publishing. I do not take your time for granted. Thank you for your indulgence. I hope that together, we can continue peeling the layers of the onion that is life one by one, even when it brings tears to our eyes sometimes. Interacting with you guys every week on this platform makes the view from fourth floor more scenic.
Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I hope my blog has made many of you feel encouraged over the last one year, even when your situation reflected the opposite of that. My prayer is that as we embark on a second year of writing, we shall build each other up and always remember that the best way to lift yourself up is by lifting another.
Have a blessed Easter. And just FYI, I have emptied my Mpesa account to make space for birthday contributions. Toa Ndugu toa Dada. hehehe…
Asante Bro for the huge support too.
Happy Birthday Lucas and congratulations on your writing anniversary.
Thankyou Aida.
Congrats Lucas and wishing you all the very best in the years to come
Asante Frank.
Lucas, you are an inspiration! Blessings as you as you go up another stair. Enjoy the view and smell the roses.
Thats the plan. Thanks Ruth for reading.