My name is Lucas and I am 40. As they say in alcoholic anonymous.

We’ve heard many times that life begins at 40. This is true to some extent. From my experience I would say life breaks through at 40. Many dots that were hanging loose bila meaning pre 40 start joining together. For me many of those dots are represented by people. Im fortunate to have a vibrant full life (especially socially). But then again that tends to be the case with us domo domo people. It takes a friend to be a friend so ill credit myself to being a friend to many.

As I enter my second half I’m slowly realising that conversations i need to have to engage me in my new season are with folks I have always known or met years back when my business was all that mattered. Thanks to my upbringing (through serious assault by my mum) and the God in me, I was kind and good to those people, even helped many of them with a need here and there. One lesson I learnt over time is to make friends before you need them. Today some of these guys have advanced and are ahead of me in this horse race (no rats at 40) and I’m amazed at the willingness to help a brother. Just the small stuff of hooking me up to a contact or an intro / referral I need.

Another set of dots to connect is with folks who are stuck in halftime (I’m the MCA for this group). Guys who are experiencing turbulence like me. I’ve automatically formed a support group by default just from sharing our frustrations, fears and hopes with few of my mates going through similar transition. To me its the calling to move aside in my business. To some of my mates, its the move from many years of employment to self-employment.
This is very scary times to many guys (and Im sure to some ladies as well). There is huge uncertainty. Nothing familiar and all familiar beacons to hold onto disappear. Even worse if you feel (or are) financially exposed. School fees, mortgage, rent and the list goes on. At such uncertain times I’ve come to get closer to my maker cos yes I’ll say it, I’m scared. A friend recently told me not to worry, He’s (God) already figured out my figures (chums I need).
I can now say I know how a fear and excitement smoothie tastes like. Fear because you are exposed and excitement because the future has endless possibilities. It’s like white water rafting. Being tossed by vicious waters and rocks as you struggle to keep your raft from capsizing. All happy and scared at the same time. Then after you get through that onto calm waters, what a relief and feeling of achievement.

So my fellow sojourners on 4th floor, let’s try our best to remain in the boat and fight the torrents because soon well be in calm waters where inner peace, meaning and significance reside. Remember God already has you figures figured out. We have no choice but to learn TRUST in a big way. At the same time lets enjoy connecting the dots and bring them to life. I’m having fun doing it and realising how very small the world is.

Me: Hi Im Lucas and I am 40
You: Hi Lucas

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3 thoughts on “AA (@40 Anonymous)”

  1. Wanjiru says:

    “Make friends before you need them”. That is the best advice I have heard in a while.

  2. Lucas says:

    True Wanjiru. I learnt that truth after the fact. And boy im i glad i did.

  3. njoki says:

    I truly believe in investing in people,not just because they might come in handy later (that’s a bonus though) but because its innately human to thrive and see others around you thrive. A happy me makes a happy everyone on whatever level.

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